Month: December 2008

  • Understanding

    It’s funny how people need different things at times… 

  • Snowboarding round 2

    Not sure about this holiday… It’s feeling a little forced this year, as in I’m forcing myself to be happy, even though I’m not really feeling it.  Oh well, I’ll make nice and go through the motions for everyone else, but it might be difficult. On the plus side I went snowboarding for the second…

  • Work + Alcohol + Brain = Bad Dreams

    I’m surprised I woke up as early as I did this morning…  I was up and ready to go by 5:00 AM?  What the hell, 5:00 AM is not a time I need to worry about for at least another year.  Something must be wrong with me, besides the obvious things, here I am up…

  • Christmas again…

    It’s not that I don’t like the holidays, in fact in a way I kinda enjoy finding gifts and spending time with people and all that jazz…  I guess it’s just a block I have against this time of year…  Maybe S has it right, just spend time at home doing all the things you…

  • Franz Ferdinand

    Oh the ringing in my ears, the slight after taste of beer when I burp, the vein in my forehead seems to be getting larger and my eyeballs are showing me my pulse. A small price to pay for the excellent concert last night! Franz Ferdinand was awesome! The band is tight, the songs were…

  • Water

    I went swimming tonight at a friends place.  It’s the first time I’ve been in the water since I went to Hawaii with S.  I realized over the last few months I’ve been getting more and more uptight.  I couldn’t put my finger on it until tonight while I was swimming laps.  I’ve been missing…