Month: March 2007

  • Where am I again?

    I think I’m at home, but it’s hard to be sure. I’m a little out of it as I just got back from Australia yesterday afternoon. But I’m pretty sure I’ll live, the time change has screwed my body clock up to no end and I’m sure it will take a few days to get…

  • A new low…

    I realize I must be some sort of security threat, not only do I have to empty out my pockets, take my laptop out of it’s case, but now I have to go through not only the mandatory x-ray / metal detection crap, but now we get a friendly personal bag search and pat down. …

  • Home again…

    In less then 18 hours I’ll be getting on a jet plane never to come back again… Well until I get the time to come back to a place I can truly call my home away from home. I’ve fallen in love with Australia and all it has to offer and I’m kind of sad…

  • Mmmm, coffee and internet

    After walking around yesterday looking for a cafe with wireless internet, I finally ended up at a Starbucks in Port Melbourne.  I was happy to have a place that had both coffee and internet, but less then thrilled to have to pay for that internet.  So today instead of paying for a connection at Starbucks…

  • Strangers with information

    I was trying to find the right tram to Port Melbourne, as that is where I’ll be staying until next Tuesday, and I walked to the wrong tram stop and came upon a crazy but nice guy who decided I needed to know all about the bus system for Melbourne, especially the colors of said…

  • 4:00 AM and the train out of Sydney

    I had to get up at 4:00 AM to catch my train this morning… I’ve never been a fan of early mornings, but for some reason 4:00 AM was pretty easy to do. Although I’m not very happy with the train trip this time, at least I don’t have to try and sleep on the…

  • Burning ears

    JB and I were talking the night before he left for Seattle about our school days and the people we knew. The really crazy thing is I had said I would like to apologize to someone for some very stupid school crap that I did back in the day. It was a real shame that…

  • The theatre I would work in.

    Right, I pretty much gave up on working in the theatre in December of 1999, so the inital draw of the Opera House wasn’t what I would normally feel had I still been working in the business. We decided today to head to Circular Quay in Sydney for the Harbor Bridge Celebration, it’s 75 years…

  • A tower and a little Chinese.

    After walking through Chinatown, which luckily is right near the hotel and getting a little breakfast at a Chinese version of a greasy spoon, we wandered through a dark and stinky version of the Queen Victoria Market. I can’t believe how many versions of the same junk souvenirs as every other place on the street…

  • Going home soon…

    I’m getting geared up to head home soon, I’ve almost come to the end of my time traveling before I get on a plane for the long flight home. Don’t get me wrong, I miss my Seattle friends and family, but I don’t know if I’m ready to go home yet, or at least stay…