Month: February 2008
So I’ve been watching movies for a long while, well lets just say I pay attention to cinema and what it has to offer. I just recently watch Jack Black not playing Jack Black and I wasn’t disappointed. I also saw a preview of a movie that includes Kevin Smith playing someone other then Silent…
Taxes and Hawaii…
I get a refund this year, which is a good thing all things considered. I’m currently in the process of closing out all my 401k and IRA crap to try and get myself out of the debt I’m in. My thought process is simple if not misguided, I’m going to simply pay off all the…
Hey Me
I think I came a little…
Adventure time!
I decided I wanted to see snow earlier in the week… Well there’s plenty of it in the mountains at the moment. The decision to head for the pass was a good one I think, but how it was executed this afternoon, not so much… First the pass is still closed, or was at 3:00…
I don’t have a TV, but I can still dig the commercials
Giant Robots are Fun!
The randomness of my life
Right then, I’m here in Seattle for a job right? A job that I’m into and like, the people I work with are weird in their own rights and for the most part I like them both. But the randomness of my life may need to stop sometime soon. One of the more influential people…
I watched the Princess Bride for the first time in ten years tonight. I forgot how funny and all around enjoyable the movie is. Lines like “bye bye boys, have fun storming the castle. Think it will work? It’ll take a miracle, bye bye.” Have been with me for years and I’d forgotten the joy…