I’ve always been good with the ladies…

Wow… I’m in Hawaii and loving it. It’s 26c with a light rain… It feels like heaven. The weather is good the scenery is excellent and the people are friendly.

So now on to the title of this post. I decided to stop off at a little overlook that’s near the place we’re staying, I pull up and look out over the valley as it’s covered in rain and mist and feel pretty much at _MG_8329 peace. Then I hear a voice asking if I want something, since I wasn’t really paying attention I look over and see an old lady either making the “I’ll give you a blow job” motion or the “Do you want to buy some pot” motion. Since they’re similar and I’m not interested in either I just smile and shake my head.

Old lady number two was more appropriate, she was just a nice person working in a clothing shop that I stopped in to find a gift for my niece and nephew. We ended up talking for a while before I made any purchase decision and we had a grand old time. She was very forthcoming about her life and travels, in the end she gave me come money off and something for free as I decided what to get the little ones. It was quite sweet as she took my money and then gave me a big hug calling me a good uncle.

Now that I have that warm and fuzzy feeling I think I might go for a walk and see what I see.







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