I went swimming tonight at a friends place. It’s the first time I’ve been in the water since I went to Hawaii with S. I realized over the last few months I’ve been getting more and more uptight. I couldn’t put my finger on it until tonight while I was swimming laps. I’ve been missing the water.
When I was growing up I swam a the pool across the street, it was comical really I feel like I spent more time there than anywhere else during the season. I found peace in the pool, the repetition of the stroke, the breathing, the turns and most important the singular motion needed to stay floating and alive.
It’s amazing how good I feel after that swim tonight, mentally not physically… Right now it feels like my shoulder is on fire, but I have a clarity I’ve not had in a long while. It constantly amazes me when I remember to do the simple things and how good it feels to do something like that. The simplicity of swimming… I’ll have to find a way to thank K & B for letting me borrow their pool.
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