Month: January 2009
Things and stuff
To quote a fantastic movie, “strange things are afoot at the circle Kâ€. It’s been that kind of week I suppose, odd things happening, late nights staying out playing and doing generally crazy things around my new city.
The plank of wood
After doing a bit of snowboarding on Sunday I made the decision to buy my own gear. I was tired of the smell of rental gear and the quality while good, is not all that great. I think the best way to describe the rental board (now that I have my own) is like racing…
Angry Jude
I’ve not gotten that angry at someone in a long while. I think I might need to take a few steps back and reassess some things. I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of clear communication with this certain individual, but I have a deep down feeling that this person and I won’t ever be…
Holidays 2008 – post production report
The 2008 holidays started with my having to purchase new tires for my car… It was needed but at the same time I was hoping to avoid doing it until after the first of the year, but as the quote goes, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans".†So I accept the fact…