Month: February 2009

  • Gods and Monsters

    I was having a discussion the other night about religion, not something I’m usually prone to do as I have some pretty radical views on how I think all religions should act.  One of the things that had me a little confused last night, was in my talking with someone I was told that even…

  • What the hell?

    From working long hours to injuries… I don’t know which way is up.  Of course there are other reasons I don’t know which way is up, but I think I’ll keep those to myself for a little while longer. The latest injury happened last weekend, I was helping someone move some items down the hill…

  • Mountain vs. Shoulder, Mountain wins…

    I was helping another function deliver some materials to a remote location on the mountain this morning and wouldn’t you know it, I fell and stuff my shoulder.  Naturally it’s the right shoulder, which of course is the one I seem to have an affinity for injuring the most.  Probably because I’m right handed and…