2013 in a nutshell

2013 was a year filled with many events. I had the opportunity to work on festivals I’ve always wanted to attend or be involved with, and it was a rewarding experience. Music festivals are a lucrative business, and I’m grateful for the chance to work on some of the biggest ones, gaining valuable perspective on my profession.

My journey to Toronto, where I now live, was a bit of a trial, though not as challenging as my trip home from Qatar in 2012. In August, I was offered a position with the Pan American Games in Logistics, a department I’ve worked in for the last four games. To get to Toronto, I had to travel from Seattle to San Francisco, back to Seattle, then from Seattle to West Virginia, and finally to Toronto. All the travel involved working in those cities before starting with the Pan American Games.

Moving to Toronto marked the first time in seven years that I decided to ship a lot of my things from Seattle and set up a home. Bringing items like my kitchen tools and other comforts made my apartment feel more like home. I have my time zone map in my office, art from the Woodland Park Zoo (a reminder of my work with them), photos of my travels, and my kitchen implements, which are the most important to me.

Now that I’ve moved to Toronto and closed the chapter on my life in Seattle, I have plans. I want to go back to Seattle someday, but I feel more at home in Canada than in the States. This leads me to consider getting an extension on my work visa or applying for permanent residency here. Much depends on my work and the possibility of moving again. Will I continue working in events, or will I pursue a desk job for more stability? I don’t think a desk job suits me; I feel more at home traveling and doing events than being tied to a desk. While my friends and family might appreciate me being in one place for longer, what would that mean for my career? Do I keep changing roles, or do I aim for something more permanent?

I answer that question with another question: if I settle down, what form does that take? Do I get married again, buy a house, and start a family? Or do I remain nomadic? Being a nomad often leads you to other nomadic people; it’s as though you can sense each other out in a bar. I know several friends who have adopted a hybrid nomadic lifestyle, traveling with their families wherever work takes them. Personally, I would love that version, but finding someone who shares that vision presents its own challenges. How can you ask someone to uproot their life to travel the world for work, knowing there’s a time limit on your employment?

Asking that question of someone is tough, and it’s usually unfair. Most people like the security of a stable job and routine. I’m the opposite; I thrive on the unknown. While I used to fear change and prefer things a certain way, I now embrace the changes and adventures that new opportunities bring.






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