As a person who has traveled a fair bit I’m going to make mention of Melbourne Australia and it’s transit system, I even included a link.
It’s a combination of light rail and street car, accidents are few and far between and ridership is huge. The system on a whole works much like a star network, with the larger pipelines being serviced by larger “light rail” and the city and suburb traffic being serviced by street level trams.
Before I got to Melbourne I heard nothing but complaints from natives, but the reality is they have a system that works and while yes it could be better, it still works. Go figure we as the independent Seattleites we are, can’t seem to look to other cities across the world and take the better parts of those systems and implement them here.
Street trams are better then buses as they use less fuel (diesel is still expensive and unless all buses move to electric then you’re not going to experience cost savings with a bus system for much longer), and if buses do move to electric then what’s the problem with replacing them with street cars at that point, since the only step you have to take to make the transition is to add tracks to the road?
We could have a system that works, but we seem to be intent on making a system that doesn’t and there really seems to be no end in sight.
Fuck this place I’m moving to Melbourne where yes they complain about the transit system, but at least they have one that makes sense to me!
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