Category: Fun and Games
The plank of wood
After doing a bit of snowboarding on Sunday I made the decision to buy my own gear. I was tired of the smell of rental gear and the quality while good, is not all that great. I think the best way to describe the rental board (now that I have my own) is like racing…
Holidays 2008 – post production report
The 2008 holidays started with my having to purchase new tires for my car… It was needed but at the same time I was hoping to avoid doing it until after the first of the year, but as the quote goes, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans".†So I accept the fact…
Snowboarding round 2
Not sure about this holiday… It’s feeling a little forced this year, as in I’m forcing myself to be happy, even though I’m not really feeling it. Oh well, I’ll make nice and go through the motions for everyone else, but it might be difficult. On the plus side I went snowboarding for the second…
Franz Ferdinand
Oh the ringing in my ears, the slight after taste of beer when I burp, the vein in my forehead seems to be getting larger and my eyeballs are showing me my pulse. A small price to pay for the excellent concert last night! Franz Ferdinand was awesome! The band is tight, the songs were…
The 2008 US Election
In epic fashion I celebrated Halloween with a bunch of Aussies and a few Americans. The party was excellent; I went as Sir Drinks A Lot, a costume that H made for me last year. It’s a group costume and didn’t make a whole lot of sense to some people, but it worked and I…
So ever since I first got that chance to work as a contractor on the winter games in Salt Lake, I’ve wanted to be a part of the Olympic movement. I’m proud to be doing my part, even though it’s small in comparison to the over all work needed to be done to pull off…
Don’t get me wrong I love them, but I just had to spend the entire day yesterday and a good portion of today formatting and starting fresh with my laptop. I suppose it was about time, but the timing could have been better as I’m still trying to get all my things together to move…
Politics or how I became a non-caring part of the population
I was at my local pub last night trying to avoid any and all talks of politics. It went well for the first few hours, but for some reason a bar full of drunk fools decided to watch the repeat of the presidential debate last night. Something I’ve learned is you never mix bars with…
The boat show…
The last day of the show and I can finally do a wrap up… The numbers: 271 total vessels 225 – Power Boats 46 – Sail Boats 181,480 sq ft of vessels $129,769,694 total reported value (some exhibitors don’t report the value of their vessels) 69 Shore side exhibitors 32 – East Dock 11 –…