Category: Fun and Games
Apparently my card is the Five of Clubs
FIVE OF CLUBS THE ADVENTURER This card represents mental curiosity that is satisfied through exploration and experience. Being born with this birthday makes you extremely inquisitive and naturally adventurous. You love change and variety, and you are constantly exploring new things. You are not satisfied with what you know, so seeking new information and new…
Shoulder torture… But it was worth it…
In an effort to torture myself and my injured shoulder I met up with C this Saturday for a little bike ride and some kayaking. The ride didn’t hurt, the kayaking did. Not only that but I was up way to late last night, and it turns out so was C, to be out on…
Weddings… why can’t I ever just attend one?
A long time friend got married this weekend and it was a great ceremony. The location was nice, the food was alright, the random attendees were friendly and the photographers seemed nice. In the build up to the event we got there early enough to help put some decorations, programs and flip flops together, yes…
The regular season ended last night with a double header and a double win! I was a little nervous this year based on our record last year, which was not what you would call good. After some early season practices I was thinking it would be a good year, and then just before the season…
Turning 10,000
In the last few weeks I’ve been working on taking more photos, what I didn’t realize was my camera was about to turn 10,000. It’s a joyous day when on my camera’s 10,000 shutter click it takes a photo of a half naked woman doing a burlesque show. I’ve had this camera body since November…
I’ve always been good with the ladies…
Wow… I’m in Hawaii and loving it. It’s 26c with a light rain… It feels like heaven. The weather is good the scenery is excellent and the people are friendly. So now on to the title of this post. I decided to stop off at a little overlook that’s near the place we’re staying, I…
Too cool for words…
All you have to do is click the link to see how cool this is! Bear beat down
Sunday what a funday
So I asked my neighbor to go shopping this weekend, thinking it would be a fun way to spend a Sunday morning / afternoon. After all it’s the holidays and I like going to the Market this time of year. Well it was a great morning, I got to sleep until 11:30 or so when…
Ok so I geeked out this weekend and updated the look of my blog for the first time in a year. If you don’t like it… well to bad I do!