Category: Stupid human tricks

  • New Jude…

    Well ok he’s not really new, but he is back from a long hiatus. Angry Jude made a comeback to day in rare form. He got into it with a co-worker today who has finally crossed a line. It took him a good five weeks to get there, but he managed to do it today…

  • Home is where the couch is?

    It’s true I went home for the long weekend and was fully aware of my cousin sleeping there… But the note on my door saying she was crashed out in my bed as I had not made it home by the time I had originally stated in an email made me feel less then welcome…

  • City Light… what a bunch of fuck heads!

    I don’t know how they think this is logical… The previous tenant of my apartment owes Seattle City Light over $500 so they turn the power off to my apartment. The best part is they won’t turn it back on till someone pays the bill. Now keep in mind I’ve been living in this apartment…

  • Did I really know what I was doing?

    I’ve just started at a new company a friend of mine works for, he thinks I’ll do well, but I’m not so sure yet. I’ll be honest, I really don’t know anything about the products, what the capabilities or really anything about the industry. What I do know is project management, how to manage a…

  • One cannot have religion without humor…

    The Pope arrives in heaven, where St. Peter awaites him. St. Peter asks the Pope who he is.The Pope : I am the Pope.St. Peter: Who? There’s no such name in my book.The Pope : I’m the representative of God on Earth.St. Peter: Does God have a representative? He didn’t tell me…The Pope : But…

  • I’d rather be right than nice.

    I’ve been called many things in my life, quite a few of them aren’t very nice. My favorite used to be “Little Hitler” with “Napoleon” coming is as a close second, although when an angry little person said they used to call me “Cartman” as well I got a little upset. Then I remembered who…

  • Arrrr…

    Three hours of my life that I would like to get back from the Disney Company for Pirates 3. I was impressed with the parts, but as a whole I was woefully unimpressed. I’ll be sending them a bill for the time I lost last night and will expect payment in 30 days or less.

  • New Apartment!

    I’m almost done moving in…! My new place in is the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, close enough for me to be able to get to the markets and such that I like and far enough outside of the city to still be quiet. Now some of you may ask why it’s taken so long to…

  • Common sense… PLEASE!

    I miss the days where common sense was well… common. In this country we sue over the most ridiculous things, it’s embarrassing how common it has become for us to blame others for our lack of common sense. Take this man for instance… Am I wrong in thinking that if you’re going to cross some…

  • A new low…

    I realize I must be some sort of security threat, not only do I have to empty out my pockets, take my laptop out of it’s case, but now I have to go through not only the mandatory x-ray / metal detection crap, but now we get a friendly personal bag search and pat down. …