Category: Traveling without moving
Live to work… Work to live?
The jobs I’ve had in the past haven’t really prepared me for the politics involved with my new job. While I don’t mind the politics, I dislike that they get in the way of doing the real work. We have to be nice to this guy even though he’s a prick, don’t mind her she’s…
I’ve always been good with the ladies…
Wow… I’m in Hawaii and loving it. It’s 26c with a light rain… It feels like heaven. The weather is good the scenery is excellent and the people are friendly. So now on to the title of this post. I decided to stop off at a little overlook that’s near the place we’re staying, I…
The randomness of my life
Right then, I’m here in Seattle for a job right? A job that I’m into and like, the people I work with are weird in their own rights and for the most part I like them both. But the randomness of my life may need to stop sometime soon. One of the more influential people…
My goal for the evening
I decided that on the way home I would stop off at the store and buy a bottle of wine, my goal for the evening to get drunk. It’s not like I deserve this or I feel some depression, I just decided to drink myself to sleep this evening. I guess it’s better then what…
Gibberish and gunk…
Christmas is coming and I’m being pestered by family to come up with some sort of list of presents I want. This was kind of fun when I was a little kid, but as I got older I found I couldn’t write a list of wants as I didn’t really care that much. In fact…
37 hours…
Yes indeed we worked 37 hours straight through to get the casino opened, but it’s opened, well at least it’s been soft opened, the grand opening will not be until January. Now it’s time to look for something else and who knows where I’ll end up next.
Home is where the couch is?
It’s true I went home for the long weekend and was fully aware of my cousin sleeping there… But the note on my door saying she was crashed out in my bed as I had not made it home by the time I had originally stated in an email made me feel less then welcome…
So I’ve been busy for the last few weeks and now I’m finally sitting down and writing a post. Although I don’t have heaps of time to put into this I will just put the important stuff and update later. First, I got a new job. I’ve accepted an offer from North American Video to…
I’m an adult, or at least I’m old enough to be one I think? Then why is it everything I do comes into question? For instance, why do I drink so much? Well lets look at this, I think at the moment I drink so much because I’m living with my parents, who both in…
Mmm space…
Some people get all misty eyed over a kitten or a newborn, I get all misty eyed over my new portable hard drive. I now have almost a TB of storage available to me… And I know I can fill it all up, sick isn’t it?