Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Something Somewhere Sometime
Just before I was about to leave Vancouver, I noticed my laptop acting up. While I normally handle such issues easily, this time it was a sign of impending doom. The video card failed the day before I was supposed to fly to Chicago, putting a wrench in my plans as the gig I was…
End of the season…
The season kicked off early with an opening day trip to Whistler. I arrived to find a massive line, but a friend came to the rescue with an extra lift pass. After a hearty meal, we hit the slopes and then proceeded to party well into the next morning, making new friends and enjoying the…
Southern Survival Guide: What Northerners Need to Know
The Games
So I finally have some time to sit down and write about what I’m doing. We had this party that was definitely not the party it should have been given what happened earlier in the day. We started the biggest party I’ve ever been a part of on a down note, with the death of…
Some people freak out when you give them ownership over something. Others take ownership and make you proud… I’m at the intersection where I have given someone ownership of something and they complain. I’ve given them ownership over something I don’t want to deal with, and frankly, after a day in this person’s shoes, I’m…
An epic story
There’s something about this season that feels a little more epic than last. I started snowboarding last season and after an epic first season of riding at Cypress, Grouse, and Whistler, I hung up the board at the end of the season thinking I wasn’t going to get the time this year. So far I’ve…
A continuation of nothing
It’s been an interesting few weeks a little bit of nothing and then something… I’ve been working pretty hard and now I’m playing with fire again. Can’t really describe it any other way. The fire is work and the people around it. Who knows what’s going to happen, and since I can’t see the future…
Triathlon… No really I tried!
Ah, a relaxing weekend in Kelowna, a paradise for boating, hiking, and triathlons! I recently competed in my first triathlon, the Apple Triathlon, which was a short distance known as a Try a Tri. This distance is shorter than a sprint and is designed to be a good introduction to the world of triathlons. I…
The Car, or lack thereof
I purchased my car in June of 2005 as a new start. My wife had left me, and the car I had been driving was covered in memories, both good and bad, that I wanted to leave behind. I traded that car in and got the first car I was truly comfortable in, a Subaru…
Coastal Escape: A Weekend of Adventure and Serenity in Tofino
Pre-Day 1: The Anticipation Builds As the weekend approached, the excitement for our camping trip to Tofino grew. I decided to leave the packing until the last minute, opting instead to enjoy a relaxing evening out with friends. We ended up at a concert where one of my co-workers was performing, and the night was…
Got any book recommendations?