Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Quoted words from the late George Carlin

    The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge, but…

  • Idiots and Flat Mates

    I got this really excellent text from my flat mate this morning… “Did you eat all the tomatoes?” In which I responded “Yes”, her response, which in all fairness makes me really pissed is “Ok, I don’t mind if you use ingredients but please ask/replace them as they were four the soup I was making.”…

  • The last few weeks…

    Working, playing and having fun…  Work has been fun, out in the middle of nowhere working at W.O.P. with a few other fun individuals.  The first week was working hard to get everything deployed as fast as possible so we might take advantage of Whistler.  Myself and one of the other crew did the best…

  • Gods and Monsters

    I was having a discussion the other night about religion, not something I’m usually prone to do as I have some pretty radical views on how I think all religions should act.  One of the things that had me a little confused last night, was in my talking with someone I was told that even…

  • What the hell?

    From working long hours to injuries… I don’t know which way is up.  Of course there are other reasons I don’t know which way is up, but I think I’ll keep those to myself for a little while longer. The latest injury happened last weekend, I was helping someone move some items down the hill…

  • Mountain vs. Shoulder, Mountain wins…

    I was helping another function deliver some materials to a remote location on the mountain this morning and wouldn’t you know it, I fell and stuff my shoulder.  Naturally it’s the right shoulder, which of course is the one I seem to have an affinity for injuring the most.  Probably because I’m right handed and…

  • Things and stuff

    To quote a fantastic movie, “strange things are afoot at the circle K”. It’s been that kind of week I suppose, odd things happening, late nights staying out playing and doing generally crazy things around my new city. 

  • The plank of wood

    After doing a bit of snowboarding on Sunday I made the decision to buy my own gear.  I was tired of the smell of rental gear and the quality while good, is not all that great.  I think the best way to describe the rental board (now that I have my own) is like racing…

  • Angry Jude

    I’ve not gotten that angry at someone in a long while. I think I might need to take a few steps back and reassess some things. I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of clear communication with this certain individual, but I have a deep down feeling that this person and I won’t ever be…

  • Holidays 2008 – post production report

    The 2008 holidays started with my having to purchase new tires for my car…  It was needed but at the same time I was hoping to avoid doing it until after the first of the year, but as the quote goes, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans".”  So I accept the fact…

Got any book recommendations?