Category: Lazy

  • What the hell?

    From working long hours to injuries… I don’t know which way is up.  Of course there are other reasons I don’t know which way is up, but I think I’ll keep those to myself for a little while longer. The latest injury happened last weekend, I was helping someone move some items down the hill…

  • Things and stuff

    To quote a fantastic movie, “strange things are afoot at the circle K”. It’s been that kind of week I suppose, odd things happening, late nights staying out playing and doing generally crazy things around my new city. 

  • Angry Jude

    I’ve not gotten that angry at someone in a long while. I think I might need to take a few steps back and reassess some things. I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of clear communication with this certain individual, but I have a deep down feeling that this person and I won’t ever be…

  • Understanding

    It’s funny how people need different things at times…