Month: June 2008

  • This girl has a pair of big brass ones…

  • Ten Rules for Being Human

    1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it’s yours to keep for the entire period. 2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, "life." 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed"…

  • According to my friend T I’ve been living in a cave…


  • Politics or Religion? Should we care?

    I’ve never been accused of being overtly political or overtly religious, but I just saw an article on that made me laugh out loud. The headline reads “Evangelist accuses Obama of ‘distorting’ Bible“, I assumed it mean some sort of Christian whack job that usually stands up when they should sit down and shut…

  • Turning 10,000

    In the last few weeks I’ve been working on taking more photos, what I didn’t realize was my camera was about to turn 10,000. It’s a joyous day when on my camera’s 10,000 shutter click it takes a photo of a half naked woman doing a burlesque show. I’ve had this camera body since November…

  • No more epic plays for me…

    I was playing softball yesterday, of course I was playing softball yesterday and of course I managed to hurt myself.  I was hitting, catching and throwing pretty well yesterday and in the bottom of the 8th I managed to stop a hot grounder up the left field side and in my stupidity I rolled onto…

  • The only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of its subject

    Moderator: We’re here today to debate the hot new topic, evolution versus Intelligent Des— (Scientist pulls out baseball bat.) Moderator: Hey, what are you doing? (Scientist breaks Intelligent Design advocate’s kneecap.) Intelligent Design advocate: YEAAARRRRGGGHHHH! YOU BROKE MY KNEECAP! Scientist: Perhaps it only appears that I broke your kneecap. Certainly, all the evidence points to…

  • Paper no more?

    In a not so surprising move the publisher of Northwest Baby and Child has decided to suspend publication of the paper.  It’s been publishing monthly for 27 years.  The publisher has really let the community down by mis-managing the publication, and frankly I’m disappointed they didn’t realize the proper thing to do months if not…

  • Photo Credit from the Seattlest

    I was looking through my reader this afternoon and I noticed a great photo of the Dalai Lama from his visit last month.  Well look at that, it’s one of mine.  I love the fact that I can get my images out there for a bunch of people to look at.  Especially the ones I…

  • So glad I rode my bike to work today…

    Today RainHi 58°FTonightShowersLikelyLo 49°F Spring in Seattle…  Gotta love it.