Category: Stupid human tricks
My Personality According to Someone Else
You are the absentminded professor, the same personality type (in at least one major system) as Albert Einstein. Plato said that the function of your type is to study nature and figure out ways to tame it. You see connections between concepts that others do not, and must sometimes stop to check in with your…
Note to self on streaking
Don’t streak on a cricket pitch, the players may not appreciate it and have the potential to fuck me up.
Demon Liquor
Drunk last night… Sending random text messages to people for the most part I sent the wrong messages to quite a few people last night. To show for it I have a wicked hangover that I’m trying to get rid of, I feel like if I move a little to fast I’ll spew… Now I’m…
Adventure time!
I decided I wanted to see snow earlier in the week… Well there’s plenty of it in the mountains at the moment. The decision to head for the pass was a good one I think, but how it was executed this afternoon, not so much… First the pass is still closed, or was at 3:00…
Holidays Happiness
Or lack thereof… I was listening to a Blink 182 song this morning about the lack of holiday joy. For some reason I’m lacking in holiday joy this year… I’ve been feeling a little down for the last few days and I really do want to be excited about this time of year, but it’s…
Why Costco? Why?
As a bored employee today I thought I would cruise past the Costso site to see about some furniture pricing on office chairs and some personal stuff and I came across this link for Costco Funeral services and products… Yes you can buy anything in bulk these days…
Sunday what a funday
So I asked my neighbor to go shopping this weekend, thinking it would be a fun way to spend a Sunday morning / afternoon. After all it’s the holidays and I like going to the Market this time of year. Well it was a great morning, I got to sleep until 11:30 or so when…
Home again home again….
Some may know the reference of which the title of this post comes from, and some may not. It’s neither here nor there in the end. All I know is this, I’m in serious like with someone and I don’t know how to deal with it as my last post mentioned. Keep in mind my…
And the luck holds
So after my episode yesterday I didn’t think my luck could get worse, well I was wrong! Today instead of eating at the casino buffet yet again we decided to drive to a little Mexican place just outside of town, the food turned out to be excellent as far as Mexican food goes. What didn’t…
Retarded Monkey…
I am a retarded monkey. Not only did I manage to give myself a mild concussion, but I also cut my head pretty good. How you might ask did I accomplish this astonishing feat of stupidity? I bent down to pick up something from the sidewalk near and hit my head on an electrical box…